Monday, 21 March 2016

Sheepie's Nest

So I got extremely lucky this year and they put my flying sheepie on the invite ^_^; I'm real grateful for that and real grateful I got to do the flying sheepie at all ^^; Things have just been, difficult, lately, so, but God is so very, very good to me (most undeserving as I am) and I was able to get this sheepie out of my head and onto a piece of paper!!

So I used the technique I'm using for my show this year, oil pastel on acrylic ~ thought I'd try doing something *serious* with a media combo I've heretofore used for *just playing around*. So I think perhaps I shall explore this side of that technique more often in the future...

...although that may be -not- the near future because I'm seriously considering going on hiatus x taking a sabbatical from exhibiting next year ~ it should've been this year but, one thing led to another and here I am ^^; I admit I do vacillate on this from time to time because, well every single time I get to exhibit anywhere is a miracle (for which I'll be eternally grateful) and I'm not sure I'll be able to get back on the horse once I jump off. But anyway ~

So that's all nine of us in the nest (even though two of us have technically left it) (and I daresay the mum n dad birds wish the rest of us would too) ^_^;

Thank You, God, thank you Dear Mama Mary, Dear Guardian Angel and all my "friend Saints" (the list just keeps growing alongside all the favours and blessings and graces that just keep coming) ~ especially Dear Saint Luke, Blessed Fra Angelico, Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Michael the Archangel and Dear Saint Joseph, as well as Dear Saint Jude, Saint Philomena, Saint Rita, Saint Clare, Saint Pancratius, Saint Matthew and the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Thank you forever to my mom, my sister for taking excellent, excellent, excellent photos, Father Saa and to Sir Delan for inviting me -and- for putting my sheepie on the invite. You see, people have been so very good to me as well. Thank you! And thank you to the rest of my family for coming all the way to the opening, too (and to my brother and his lovely wife for the lovely dinner afterwards).

As always, you'll find my sheepie in my online folio at, and my hopes to be able to keep creating (and to keep getting better at it) somewhere way up there, floundering occasionally but so far never completely extinguished ^_^;