These are Rex's photos actually, the first three, and if it wasn't for Rex I wouldn't have even been in this show ~ thank you, Rex! I guess I really oughta do Facebook; if it hadn't been for Mr H, I wouldn't even have seen these photos ^^;
I'm very glad and very grateful to be in this show, I wish I could've gone to the opening yesterday, even if it was all the way in Makiling. I'm glad they seemed to be okay with me working on Biag Ni Lam-Ang even if it isn't really a myth ~ I couldn't help it, it was just so ludicrous (so epic lol) I just had to do this story, and anyway I am half Ilocano after all so it was only fitting I guess ^^;
I had fun working on this even if I did have to work on it nights (so what else is new) and I ended up cramming in the end. It isn't much but I am fond of it ^^; I painted it for me (selfish! tsk) so, yeah ^^; It felt like ages since I'd last worked in watercolour even though I did the tree in it, but when I did I just enjoyed it and it felt so right, somehow.
Thank You, God ~ Thank You Dear Saint Luke, Dear Blessed Fra Angelico, Dear Mama Mary and Dear Guardian Angel. Thank you, Rex. Thank you Mr H, Daylin and Rhea for all your support and encouragement. And thank you Mom and Bassints ^^;
This year I'm going to paint for me. It sounds selfish but there you go ^^; Sorry ^_____^;