So I can't even see the photos I've just uploaded but, I'm going to write these notes anyway ~
I just attended the online opening of this show (sign of the times) and I have to say it was really, really nice to see a lot of familiar faces from so long ago, again ~ it was wonderful <3 The show looked AMAZING and I really wish I could be there on site to see it ~ as always (and for one last time) it was my privilege to have participated in an Ang INK exhibit, particularly this one for their big three-oh ~
So yeah. Jillanotes for this one ^_^
So, yeah. Truck is gone (I remember calling it LRT (little red truck) for a while but since we do actually have a train back here called that the name never stuck (nor did "firetruck" (perhaps owing to that viral video with the toddler who couldn't pronounce it ^^) >> Truck left me (or well, technically he was TAKEN from me long before he left) about the time I started this piece, and since Truck did actually accompany me on many an adventure I had with INK... so that's me as a horsey driving the truck </3 (I can't even remember the last time I drove it ~ because it wouldn't start for ME anymore </3) (Heck I didn't even have the KEYS to it anymore </3)
So if you look closely from the top row going left to right ~ I put the pompoms on strings from when we did our 20th anniversary show (those had always made a big impression on me and I heard Liza-san used to make those for their old restaurant Chocolate Kiss </3). There's the Siopao and the Siomai I made for another INK show, the little girl from ANOTHER INK show... the whale I made for those WWF postcards... Supercal the carousel horse I made for another INK show...
That's my grandmother flying over the truck > cos it was her idea for me to join INK in the first place (owe you one for that, Lols ^_^*)... There's the avian from this story I made up called Under the Moon (didn't amount to anything, just remember entering it into some illustration contest I didn't win haha) ~ then the caterpillar I made for INK's 20th...
(So I'm moving like a typewriter here haha (do you remember typewriters ^O^**)
Back to the left, next row, that's the old lady who had a Magic Blanket (the one that shows the dreams of whoever it's on while they're sleeping), Galileo (who I drew during some workshop I attended (Barlaya?) back at the Vargas Museum... one of the shokoys I made for an INK book about Philippine mythological creatures... there's Lam-Ang (from another INK show piece), and after Lola , you'll see the doggo from my Potatobots painting which I gave to the last INK show I joined before this one.
Back to the left next row again, there's the Land Wind god and the Sea Wind goddess (I don't think I made them for a contest but not sure I did them for an INK show either)... the Moon and the Sun from the first INK postcard book I was in (I don't think I was ever in an INK postcard book again since then LOL), me driving the truck (notice the truck has a halo like Lola cos they are both gone now) ~ then Goldilocks (from the Goldilocks and the 3 Vampires story I illustrated for another failed attempt at an illustration contest (I have so many hahahhaha > I only lose the best competitions ^____^)
Back to the left *typewriter kaching* again > That's one of the star babies of the Moon and the Sun ~ and moving past the gabi leaf the Sun was supposed to have struck his wife the Moon with and me in the truck again (I still have my pink tails in my human form too haha), you'll see the white dog from my book How Long Till September.
Back to the left once more time, you'll see Tala and Tagak from that story my classmate and I made up back at Fine Arts, the Tarantula and Beppo the monkey from another INK show piece, and one of the cats from my audition piece for a book that explained why cats are coloured the way they are (they got someone else to illustrate it ^_^;) ~ and then finally yeah, some *magic swirls* and bits of jello and beans from the book they did get me illustrate in the end ^^;
So yeah I don't think I missed anybody ~ in the picture, anyway > I realise there were a lot more I might've crammed in there but I guess like pretty much everything (or well a good 90+%) I create this baby was crammed, too ~ but I did try to put a little more TLC into it because this would be the last, and, well, over all I am very glad and very grateful to have been an INKie.
So yeah I guess this was my INK Story ~ you can read more about how I came to be a member if you're interested over at the Jillablog (the photos over there should be fine lol). But what's an even better idea is for you to go check out the exhibit preview on Facebook ~ glad I got to tell you my INK Stories here, because you'll forget all about em when you see the absolute treasures in store for you over there <3
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